Saturday, September 17, 2011

Opportunity Knocks

I love college!  There is always something exciting going on, unfortunate only in that you don't have time to take advantage of every opportunity offered.  Just this weekend I had to miss out on the campus showing of the movie "Of Gods and Men," which I've wanted to see since its release this spring.  Sigh.  Another time.

Anyway, this Saturday affords me the fantastic opportunity to hear Dr.  Denis McNamara of the Liturgical Institute at University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary present to our students on the topic "Beauty and Catechesis".  I've heard wonderful things about Dr. McNamara, whose PhD dissertation bore the intriguing title "Modern & Medieval:  Church Architecture in the United States, 1920-1945."  Since I am about to teach my students how to "read" art and architecture, I'm really jazzed to hear from one of the leading experts on the topic firsthand.

On top of that, I've just been invited to co-host him on Friday for lunch and a look around at Church architecture in the Big City.  What an amazing opportunity to get a private tour from one of the best tour guides around!

The opportunity poses only one drawback:  I'll have to give up two full days when I would normally plan lessons like mad.  It's well worth the investment, for it will enrich my understanding and ability to teach the topic - but I hope I don't waste the opportunity by worrying the whole time about how I will finish everything "I should be doing right now".

I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. I think he is a brother in law to my favorite bloggers at Creative Minority Report! Delighted he's making a Steubie visit.

  2. Oooh!!! I'm so, so jealous! I've never heard him speak, but I've read some things he's written and I've heard he's simply fantastic. Have a wonderful time -- especially with lunch and the tour. How fun!

    (Will he be giving his talk in Christ the King? Hee hee.: ))
