Sunday, April 3, 2011

Raison d'etre

I've considered writing a blog since I saw the movie Julie & Julia. From my early years in school I have been told that I write well, and I enjoy writing.  But many years have passed since I've been required to write for a grade (or any other real critique).  My writing skills have grown rusty, and I believe I have some untapped potential in that realm.  I've heard repeatedly from my colleagues that the best way to improve one's writing is to write, and write often.  A few writer friends have encouraged me to blog to improve my writing, and especially to "find my voice."  Wonderful, I thought.  (I love having a good reason to do what I want to do.)

But what to write about?  A friend suggested "adventures in Catholic education."  A good suggestion, because I have plenty of classroom tales to tell.  But at the same time I find myself a student of life, with many teachers:  the Church, my family and friends, mentors, my garden, books, my own students.  I wanted to write about these as well.  Then I remembered that the word "Catholic" means "universal."  Therefore, I won't have to limit myself to writing about my experiences as a Catholic educator.  I can - and will! - include lessons I learn as I travel the educative path of life.

Finally, a geographical move prompted me to get started.  Some expressed an interest in keeping up with me in my new place.  A blog seemed like a great way to meet several needs all at once:  honing my writing skills and my writing voice while keeping family and friends informed about my new adventures.  While I can't promise daily updates, especially as I transition and get adjusted to my new surroundings, I do hope to post often.  I invite you to comment, as I would love to hear from you, too!

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