The switch from a carpeted house to a house with hardwood floors created a vacuum problem for me.
The owners have a Filter Queen. I'd never heard of a Filter Queen, but the lady of the house told me I'd never want another vacuum after using it. I gave it a whirl, and yeah, it worked better than my Hoover, but I wasn't knocked off my feet or anything. That is, until I googled the price: $2200! I didn't know if I should use it while I could or put it away, quick, before I broke it. I later found out that there is a Filter Queen vacuum museum. (I wonder who visits...)
But alas, the Filter Queen departed with the rest of the owners' stuff, so I've researched vacuum cleaners a bit of late. Last weekend I was hunting on Craigslist for some garage sales to check out. I wasn't even thinking about a vacuum cleaner, but I clicked on an estate sale and noticed a Miele vacuum offered. Online reviews of Miele vacuums were enthusiastic. I decided to arrive early in hopes of checking it out, but I feared it wouldn't work or would be too expensive. But whadda ya know, there it was, working perfectly, for a mere $40. I took it.
And when I got it home, I realized I hit the jackpot in vacuums. The suction is fantastic. There are three filters, including a HEPA allergy filter. It's more compact and maneuverable than the clumsy Filter Queen, and it's relatively lightweight. The wheels and hose rotate 360 degrees, and the hose will attach to the exhaust if for some reason you want to blow. The attachments are stored inside. The cord retracts automatically. It's quiet, and switches on and off with the tap of the foot. There are two hooks on which to "park" your hose if you need to put it down to move things around while vacuuming. So easy on the back, so easy on the ears, and so good for the allergies!
I know you can't tell that I'm thrilled with the find. Reviewers say this vacuum lasts for years, and while I can't tell how old it is, I can tell that it will work for me even if later I should move into a carpeted house. It's so good to have the right tools for the job, especially when they come at the right price!
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