Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm sorry I haven't posted lately; it's been quite busy around here!  But really, even when I've thought "Gosh, I really need to update the blog," the thought that follows is always, "What news do I have?"  Not much.  So I'm posting just a few snippets:

-This weekend featured a liturgical conference on campus.  The speakers addressed a number of topics related to worship:  the new translation of the Mass, the Mass in Scripture, liturgical architecture, sacred music, and so forth.  Up to now I haven't educated myself as much about the new Missal as I should have; I guess I was waiting until the critical moment.  Well, the critical moment has arrived, and now that I'm learning about it, I can't wait for November 27.  (That said, I've harbored a secret wish to hear the Foley Gloria with trumpets and strings one last time before it becomes obsolete; I got my wish at a recent Mass celebrating a feast day.  I can now move on as a happy woman.)  The new translation will more clearly express what we believe as Catholics, and I think we will really experience a moment of great grace in the Church as a result.

-No, it hasn't snowed (yet)!  But two weekends ago was quite cold and dreary, and when the sun came out again all the trees sported stunning fall color.  We saw a glorious few days last weekend, but it's cooler & blustery this weekend, and I spent the afternoon raking leaves for a good leaf mulch in the garden.  Many more leaves will fall, but I'd say we are a good three weeks ahead of the weather back home.  Which leads to...

-...the reality that I already have to wear my winter clothes, and will need to buy some Igloo-wear before the year's end.  I've solicited tips for the most essential items of clothing for surviving cold, wet winters (if you've got experience with cold weather, please post your ideas in the comm box - consider it a work of mercy).  Fortunately, my office is quite much so that even I, with ice water in my veins, have to prop my door open to keep from roasting.  So maybe I don't need warm clothes as much as I need warm outerwear.

-I did manage to bust out of town last weekend for a shopping trip in the big city.  I mapquested my favorite store and discovered that it is an hour away, and some other stores I like are 35 minutes away.  So I hurried through my grading and made an afternoon/evening of it.  I didn't have much success with purchases, unfortunately, but it was nice to get away for a bit.

-One project I've had to grade is a unit project from my students in the High School class.  I discovered that not all the units met the Platonic form in my mind of Unit Project, but many did, and I'm really proud of the work they did.  I set up the assignment to give them an experience of what their life will be like if they teach high school next year.  The class after the project was due I let them discuss it.  They expressed quite a bit of shock over how much time the project took, and I think it served as a wake-up call for some of them.  However, I delighted to hear some of them describe how they dreaded beginning it, but then as they got into writing the lesson plans, they got idea after idea of demonstrations, activities, assignments.  Two of them even described it as fun.  Natural teachers, they; girls after my own heart.  And I also enjoyed hearing one young man belly ache about the whole thing, beg for an extension, come to my office to talk through how-to-do-this-anyway...then see the light bulb go on as I walked him through the process and gave him a couple of tips.  This one doesn't really want to teach but to do youth ministry, but I see some teaching potential buried under there, and I look forward to seeing what he gives me tomorrow.

So that's really all there is to share...not too much exciting.  I still very much like my job, my students, my colleagues, and campus life.  Things are going really well, but it's all the usual stuff.  Let me know if there's anything you want to know about my new life and new adventures - maybe I can answer in a future blog post!

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