Saturday, September 3, 2011

Calling all gardeners!

They say "leaves of three, let it be"
but I can't tell if this one falls in that
category.  Is this poison ivy/oak/sumac? 
My new home has this fantastic fenced in yard, with an "established garden" along a stacked stone wall in the back.  By "established" I mean, "in dire need of weeding and renovation."  Since I rent the place this year, I am limited to the former...but that's not stopping me from dreaming about and planning for the latter.  However, in the weeding I've run across some plants I can't really identify.  Can you gardening experts help me out?  Leave your answers in the comment box or email me.  Many thanks!
Here's another shot - it's all over the garden.
I'm also worried about the 5-leafer under it
 - to the left in the photo.

I doubt it's poisonous, but is it a flower or a weed?

This plant is tall & stalky.  Flower or weed?

1 comment:

  1. I asked a friend -- and she said she thinks they're all weeds! But she suggested checking out She's gotten help there before.
    Happy weeding! : )
